Our teachers are driven by their enthusiasm for what their expertise and knowledge can offer you within pedagogy, attachment theories, management development or various creative offerings, where we offer new ideas, activities and seasonal tools that can be used with children in everyday life.

Rikke Rosengren
Manager and co-funder of Børneøen Bonsai, a Waldorf nursery and forest kindergarten
Rikke is a trained Rudolf Steiner educator in Australia, has worked and taught in the field of education for many years in Denmark and abroad, and has, among other things, published several books.
Rikke teaches on our Sustainable Management education and Management Network as well as nature and young children pedagogy.

Terje Erlandsen
Manager of the Education and Culture Center at Marjatta
Master of Management, teacher and special educator. Carries a long experience from pedagogical practice, management in Waldorf institutions and value based management.

Margrethe Gade
Cand. mag.
Chief consultant and leader for 16 years, teaches on the diploma program in management at DTU, certified U-facilitator and coach. Works i.a. as a consultant in educational institutions, including organizations with a social educational purpose. Margrethe Gade leads our Sustainable Management education as well as the Management Network.

Lisbet Kolmos
Waldorf teacher
Graduated in 2000 and the mother of three. During the last five years she has attended educations in attachment theory at the Neufeld Institute. Britt har translated the book “Rest, Play, Grow” by Deborah MacNamara, into Danish (“Barnets udvikling gennem tilknytning og leg”). The book takes its offset in attachment theory by the Canadian psychologist Gordon Neufeld..
Britt teaches and gives presentations to parents and professionals based on attachement theory and personal experience from her work as a Waldorf teacher.

Helle Heckmann
Global pædagogisk konsulent
Educated cultural geographer and Rudolf Steiner educator. She started the Rudolf Steiner kindergarten Nøkken, and was the leader there for 27 years. Is now a traveling global educational consultant. Author of 6 books i.a. Child – you are our responsibility and the backyard of Childhood.

Lisbet Kolmos
Medical doctor, ph.d.
Former leader of Marjatta through 25 years. Experience with children and young people with developmental disorders.
Interest in health-promoting therapy and treatment of i.a. chronic fatigue syndrome.
Lisbet leads the course in anthroposophical meditation and immersion techniques.

Britt Mermolja Lyster
Steiner educator
Educated in 2000 and mother of three. For the past five years, she has furthered her education in developmental and attachment psychology at the Neufeld Institute. She has translated the book “Rest, Play, Grow” by Deborah MacNamara, which in Danish has been entitled “Barnets udvikling gennem tilknytning og leg“. The book is based on the Canadian psychologist Gordon Neufeld’s attachment theory.
Britt teaches courses and presentations for parents and educators based on this attachment and development theory and her own experiences from her work as a Steiner educator.
Mindfulness instructor and nature educator
Lotte works both as an educator in Børneøen Bonsai but also as a consultant for “Children, Nature & Mindfulness”.
Lotte holds courses and workshops with mindfulness in nature, where we connect through nature’s elements and energies. Practicing mindfulness in nature opens up peace and presence and our senses are sharpened to the extent that we become far more self-aware.
Lecturer in eurythmy at the Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten Seminar, Charlottenlund
Trained eurythmist with additional training from Eurythmy in the workplace.
Teaching, administration and management at the Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten Seminary, Charlottenlund