Get in-depth and on-site training

4-day course in Nordic early childhood and forest education

Each year, we offer an opportunity for international students to gain new insights and knowledge about the Nordic way of early childhood and forest education, through a 4-day course at a Danish forrest kindergarten.

Naturpædagogik til pædagogisk personale


Børneøen Bonsai is a forest Waldorf kindergarten and nursery, which was founded in the year 2000. It is located next to a forest and to the sea in the north of Copenhagen. The first nursery, Bonsai Amarger, where it all began 23 years ago, exists to this day, and a new nursery, Bonsai Skovly I Espergærde was founded in 2022. Both institutions will be part of the program. Being passionate about sharing her knowledge on early childhood and nature education, Rikke Rosengren established an educational institute, called Bonsai Institute as well as publishing company Blue Pearl Books in 2019, where educational books are being published in support of parents and educators.

You will benefit from:

  • daily observation time of a dedicated kindergarten group
  • a mentor, which will accompany you during observation time
  • lectures on early childhood and forest education in Scandinavia
  • workshops that will bring nature education to life
  • visits to 2 other nurseries as well as an educational center near Copenhagen
  • new insights and experiences to take home and implement immediately.


You will learn and experience first-hand:

  • the tranquility of a (safe space for) childhood in harmony with nature´s rhythm
  • the benefit and excitement of free play and risky play – and how it supports children´s development
  • new ways and methods of observing children and reflecting on their development in terms of achievements and potential needs
  • new ways of communicating and collaborating with parents

DAY 1-3

Day 1 – 3 will all include observation time in the morning, lecturers in the early afternoon followed by practical workshops.

  • Day 1: Rhythm
  • Day 2: Self-esteem, Self-confidence and Risky play
  • Day 3: Observing children and dialog with parents


Visit to 1 nursery in the city, another nursery in the countryside, and an educational center.


The lectures by Rikke Rosengren and other educational experts will offer insights into the Scandinavian way of child caring. There will be mention of various theories, which we use in our daily work with children: Attachment theory, Gordon Neufeld´s relational developmental approach, various Scandinavian early childhood education and nature education theories, Waldorf education, a.o..

The afternoon workshops will be on topics such as:

  • mindfulness with children in nature
  • creative processes in nature
  • using natures elements in working with children

There will be ample time for questions, reflection exercises and joint learning.

Practical info


Dates for next course will come soon

Max. 20 students


USD 1.500 incl. lunch


Jægersborg Allé 2A

2920 Charlottenlund

For any questions write or using the contact form.

Contact us if you have any questions

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