Our Partners

Margarethe Gade
Margrethe Gade, cand. mag., manager for 16 years, teaches on the diploma program in management at DTU, certified Theory U facilitator and coach. Works i.a. as a consultant in educational institutions, including organizations with a social educational purpose.
Marjatta is a special school and a residential facility for children, youngsters and adults. Marjatta also runs an educational center at Marjatta Bredeshave.

Neufeld courses in Denmark
Neufeld courses in Denmark offer teaching, consulting and courses based on the development and practice of development psychologist Gordon Neufeld. Grete Lyngdorf, manager and proprietor, is educated in Canada at the Neufeld Institute (https://neufeldinstitute.org/). Grete also coordinates seminars with Gordon when he teaches in Denmark.
Nordic Inspiration
In collaboration with Nordic Inspiration, we offer physical courses, but also online webinars for Japanese parents and professionals about nature and toddler education as well as the Scandinavian educational culture.
Nordic Inspiration is particularly interested in searching for new ways of learning, which can be read more about here.

Santa Monica College
I samarbejde med International Education Center på Santa Monica College, Californien, arrangerer vi praktikforløb og studieudvekslinger med fokus på udeliv for vuggestue- og børnehavebørn og daglig praksis i skovbørnehaver.
Upper Manhattan Forest Kids
Upper Manhattan Forest Kids is dedicated to encouraging the connection between young people and the natural environment, and in expanding the culture of outdoor learning in urban areas of the U. S. based on Danish models and philosophy of Forest Kindergartens.