Coaching – with a focus on development and communication in educational organisations

Learn what coaching is and how to conduct a coaching conversation. This coaching course provides you with useful knowledge and practical training on how to conduct coaching conversations in everyday life and in your work life.

The course is targeted at people who need effective communicative tools to optimize resources and create a positive change.

When you learn to use the coaching conversation, you will experience how you naturally create a trusting relationship with the person you are coaching, through special listening and questioning techniques. Read more about the course below.

How are the days structured?

The course in coaching and conversation techniques alternates between theoretical presentations, practice in applying the techniques in practice and follow-up in plenary around joint learning. The training is based on the participants’ own wishes and issues, and gives the opportunity to go back to work and train these skills, e.g. in conversations with colleagues or employees. During the course, you will have the opportunity to train coaching in practice in small groups, and you will continuously receive feedback from both the teacher and the other course participants. You and the other participants will have the opportunity to both test themselves to be coached and to coach other participants. There is a good opportunity for feedback, as we are two instructors on the course.

What do participants get out of it?

  • Coaching as communication
  • The framework for a good coaching conversation
  • Essential coaching skills: reflection, matching, listening ability, empathy
  • Questions and question types – why is the tool important?
  • How do my questions become good and helpful?
  • The coaching conversation – we train a model that you can learn to follow

Who can participate?

The course is for you who work with communication in your everyday life – e.g. teachers, educators, managers, department heads, deputy managers, therapists, meeting leaders.

Please note that this education is only offered in Danish.


DKK 7.500 plus VAT

3 day full time course all inclusive.


Skt. Johannesgården, Blegdamsvej 1B, 2200 Kbh N.


Margrethe Gade, cand. mag., leader for 16 years, teaches in the diploma program in management at DTU, certified U-facilitator and coach. Works i.a. as a consultant in educational institutions, including organizations with a social pedagogical purpose.

Rikke Rosengren, leader and co-founder of Rudolf Steiner forest kindergarten Børneøen Bonsai, Bonsai Institute and the publisher Blue Pearl Books.

Registration and questions

Please contact Rikke on +45 23807464 or


Terms and conditions can be found here.