Management network
The management network is an offer for managers and deputy managers in schools, day care institutions and residences to meet in a network ,where we can talk and learn from each other. We want to create a trusting space, where we can share the various challenges we face in our management tasks, and at the same time we can talk about what concerns us.
Read more about the network below.
Join a meaningful management network, where together we create a trusting community with professional inspiration for management work.
The participants will be co-creators and can influence the content.
You can participate either online or in person.
The meetings are held and facilitated by Margrethe Gade, Rikke Rosengren, and Terje Runolf Erlandsen.
For each meeting, a theoretical presentation is presented with themes such as:
- Meeting facilitation
- Coaching Theory U
- Conflict management
- We begin with a verse, song or other intro
- Round: We’re talking about what’s occupying us right now.
- Theoretical presentation
- Conversation groups
- What should we focus on next time?
An online year course from kl. 9-14 costs DKK 8,500.
A physical year course from kl. 9-14 costs DKK 9,900 (incl. Catering)
Please note that this is only offered in Danish.
We meet 6 times a year, either online or in person. Every day from 09.00 – 14.00.
Online course/Physical course
New date awaits. Feel free to register your interest and we will create a new course.
Copenhagen: at FOBU, Enghavevej 31, 1, 1674 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Margrethe Gade, cand. mag., leader for 16 years, teaches in the diploma program in management at DTU, certified U-facilitator and coach. Works i.a. as a consultant in educational institutions, including organizations with a social educational purpose.
Terje Erlandsen, head of the Education and Culture Center Marjatta. www.uddannelsemarjatta.dk
Rikke Rosengren, leader and co-founder of Rudolf Steiner forest kindergarten Børneøen Bonsai, Bonsai Institute and the publisher Blue Pearl Books. www.rikkerosengren.dk
Registration and questions
Please contact Rikke on +45 23807464 or ungdom@bonsainet.dk
Registration is binding, and purchased tickets will only be refunded in case of cancellation by the organizer. Changes in location do not involve cancellation and the money is not usually refunded.